Bettie Visits CBGB
Bettie Visits CBGB by Marc H Miller & Bettie Ringma (1976-1979)
Our first photograph of Bettie at CBGB was taken during our very first visit to the club in late 1976. Standing alone by the bar was one of Bettie's favorite performers, the poet-rocker Patti Smith. Clearly at home at CBGB which was still just a neighborhood bar, Patti was happy to oblige our request for a picture with Bettie. Soon we were CBGB regulars, checking out the different bands and slowly adding to our collection of pictures.
We originally conceived of “Bettie Visits CBGB” as a conceptual art project that we would exhibit in art galleries. But as the music scene at CBGB gained in popularity, new possibilities emerged. Because the mainstream music publications were still largely ignoring “punk,” there was a growing demand for photographs. Bettie and I took the plunge and purchased a small advertisement in the personal section of Rolling Stone promoting “Bettie Visits CBGB” as a leatherette “punk portfolio,” with 10 color snapshots of Bettie posing with the new punk stars. We were surprised at how many orders we received.
As our "Paparazzi Self-Portraits" series morphed into "Bettie Visits CBGB," we began viewing our photographs as a reflection of the new aesthetic emerging at CBGB, a contradictory mix of high and low culture energized by fun and humor, the lure of fame and fortune, and a cynical appreciation of the power of a good hype.
Bettie Visits CBGB Punk Photo Portfolio
Postcard advertising ‘Bettie Visits CBGB’ Punk Portfolio, 1977
Advertisement for ‘Bettie Visits CBGB’ Punk Portfolio in Rolling Stones, 1977
Letter from ‘El Limey’
Letter from Ava