The website, now in its second iteration, has been a multi-year endeavor that began in 2008.  First thanks go to Haoyan of America, the web designer who created the original site, and who continued to make contributions to this new 2019 version.

Mae Hill is the web designer who converted the original HTML design into a more up-to date user-friendly format with new added features.  Olivia McGiff rescanned and resized images, and introduced key design features like the headers that create visual continuity for publications and other multi-page sections.

Over the course of the years I have benefited from the help of many people. My assistants Allison Pierz and Jonah Wolf actively participated in the completion of the early version.  Given that the website chronicles my activities in the 1970’s and 80’s, it necessarily incorporates the individuals with whom I collaborated. They include Bettie Ringma, Curt Hoppe, Alan W. Moore and Paul Tschinkel  (all from 98 Bowery) who continued to collaborate with me in the process of revisiting our shared past.  I also owe a debt of gratitude to the colleagues and acquaintances whose work is featured and credited throughout the website.

Finally, I want to express my gratitude to Katherine Janszky Michaelsen, who witnessed my journey into the past, and provided ongoing help as a sounding board, adviser, and tireless editor.